Protejat: Reflecting on 2024: a year of challenges, growth, and opportunities
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Die Checkliste für eine erfolgreiche papierlose Logistik
Die Logistikbranche steht vor der Herausforderung, in einer zunehmend digitalen Welt effizienter, transparenter und nachhaltiger zu werden. Papierbasierte Prozesse, die in der Vergangenheit die Norm waren, werden den Anforderungen moderner Supply Chains nicht mehr...
Always something new – A document management system in the change of time (1)
The requirements of a document management system change over time and need to take customer requirements into account as well. As a long-time partner, we accompany this change and would like to show you with a small blog series, using a real, anonymized example, what...
Labirintul Integrării Sistemelor Legacy în Banking
Navigarea integrării sistemelor tip legacy în industria bancară este asemănătoare cu navigarea într-un labirint complex, necesitând o planificare strategică și o înțelegere clară a complexităților implicate. Integrarea sistemelor legacy bancare cu tehnologiile moderne...