How Managed Services help companies reduce COVID-19 impact

by Iulian-Constantin Artimon |
oct. 20, 2020 |
Managed Services | Working in times of crises

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought us in a state of accelerated digital transition and adoption of digital solutions as a response to fast-moving and unexpected variables, increasing the use of technology to work, play and stay connected, shaping new digital habits.
In this challenging environment with limited options, digital transformation and technology took center stage and ensured business survival for many organizations and created success stories. According to a recent Gartner research 91% of companies surveyed are engaged in some form of digital initiative.

The current environment is having an enormous impact on many organizations’ technology ecosystems, so having the right partners in this period and beyond is an important step for continuity and business success.

Our focus is to help companies in their digital transition, so they can prepare for the future and respond to signals of recovery, as and when they appear. We view the partnership with our clients as something more than just reducing expenses and dealing with IT concerns. It’s important to achieve a deeper business-oriented outcome that allows our clients to focus on their core business and enables our shared desire to grow the business.
As managed services providers we understand our mission and how it has an impact on our clients’ services in this period of uncertainty. As a company, we adapted to the new environment which helped us to better respond to our clients’ needs in their digital transformation journey.

The benefits of partnering with fme

Business agility is an increasingly important business focus, as technology innovations rapidly affect the marketplace. Organizations today need to be able to adapt to changes quickly to remain competitive, that is why we have designed our IT Managed Services to be flexible and scalable enabling our partners to remain in control. Access to specialized consultants on different technologies is a key to enhance business agility.

A company’s ability to optimize and maintain high quality services across multiple IT environments can be a challenge in the organization transformation process when resources are shifted to core or new processes. Delivering quality services using a managed service provider ensures greater agility and consistency.

Up-to-date technical expertise
Our specialists support organizations to run their existing systems flawlessly so remote work becomes a non-event. They implement changes to productive systems so that our clients meet their constantly changing business requirements.

For our clients we provide expert help to prepare for new, post COVID-19, working realities, by integrating new technologies into their digital landscape such as cloud technologies, IoT, Artificial Intelligence and more.

Compliance and security
As data management is an important part of the business, we ensure that it’s handled in a safe and compliant way, without impacting critical processes negatively. Our TISAX certification for information security confirms our achievement.

Adapted to remote work
To assure that we can respond in a timely manner to our clients’ challenges, we have the required infrastructure and software. Project assessment and collaboration using digital platforms enable us to be present in all the steps of the joint project although we are not part of the team onsite.

In this challenging time, consultants who are experts in their fields of business can provide solutions and create added value, helping organizations to achieve their transformation goals even faster. It’s fme you love to work with!

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