Cloud Solutions

Shorten time-to-market with our cloud solutions. Preconfigured and individually adaptable to your needs.

AWS Alexa und OpenText Documentum

AWS Alexa and Documentum

»Alexa, please open OpenText Documentum!« With simple voice commands like this one, OpenText Documentum users can have the digital voice assistant Amazon Alexa open their documents, read them aloud, and even translate them into different languages in real time. This feature was developed as part of a showcase in which fme’s digitalization experts used serverless services such as AWS Lambda and an interface to connect a newly written Alexa skill with OpenText Documentum.

Virtual Business Assistant

The Virtual Business Assistant (VBA) is an avatar based on a 3D service from Amazon Web Services (AWS). The VBA can be fully integrated into all AWS services, enabling users to visualize and customize a wide range of business scenarios and use cases and display these in numerous different languages and gestures. The seamless integration of 3D, chatbot, machine learning, and data services allows users to focus their energy on the technical design of the digital assistant systems.

Virtual BUsiness Assistant
AWS Consulting Partner

AWS Expertise

As an AWS Select Consulting Partner, we help you identify the right services or combination of services for you – whether your workload is covered by servers and storage alone, whether your business hinges on international availability, or whether you need to analyze large volumes of data with machine learning tools and algorithms.


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Do you have any questions about our services or would you like to request additional information? Please feel free to contact me to find out how we can assist you.

I’m looking forward to your request.

Timo Gutstein
Managing Consultant